Chat sessions in September

Throughout the month of September we shall carry out 2-hour chat sessions under each of our topics of investigations:

How does city administration embrace social innovation?
We shall be investigating the way cities play a new broker role, engage with residents, organisations and other stakeholders, develop networks, in order to co-create and co-produce.We will also investigate the involvement of civil servants and of the administration in general, the role played by leaders and training schemes.
What are the usual obstacles and difficulties when applying social innovation?
Social innovation cannot be applied easily and faces many cultural and political hurdles, as well as structural ones. The investment in terms of financial and human resources can appear to be too large to be overcome and legal structures preventing to undertake innovative approaches. This question will look at the main issues face for the application of social innovation, as well as the approaches undertaken by authorities to overcome them.
What city platforms best support social innovation?
Experimentation for social innovation is crucial. These experiments can take place in virtual as well as physical (real) environments. As such, we will investigate the advantages of the different forms: physical spaces (laboratories, existing or new places for meetings, co-working..); online spaces(interactive webpages, social media, ..); and, physical contacts without space limits (temporary outdoor activities, etc). We will make a distinction between between fragmented areas as opposed to compact ones.
How can cities support the diffusion and scaling of social innovation?
The last research question will seek to provide a balance in between the examined examples in order to adjust the extent to which they can be transferred within cities in light of differentiation between policy fields as well as equity. It will also investigate the main principles which can be applied notwithstanding the variety of cultures, practices and economical structures within European cities.

If you would like to attend any of those chats, do not hesitate to contact us :

We shall post more information about the dates and details in due time.

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This website displays the URBACT CAPITALISATION PROCESS (EU project) work on "Social innovation in cities". The information and views set out in this study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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