Scenario > Multi-level Governance Enables Participation and Detailed Consultation

This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Emulation Workshop” organized at the CoR  (Brussels – 3/02/2012).

* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.


Antigoni Papakonstantinou, 35 years old, expert in the Cabinet of the Greek ministry Public Administration (Greece)

The ministry is contemplating reforming the public administration structure and function. A white book is being drafted. The overall aim is to come up with leaner, more efficient and participative administrative culture and procedures. I heard of the Charter through one of the Greek CoR members who was present at the launch event in Brussels.  At first I was not convinced, but after speaking to my colleagues from the BE and IT ministries I started thinking that the CoR MLG charter could be useful for our work. I thus proposed to the minister that the CoR MLG charter could be an initial source of inspiration for a full implication of all stakeholders vertical/ horizontal in the initial consultation process and finally in the outcome of the reform (final product), i.e. it would guide consultation processes, it would help identify tools and options, it would provide stimuli for experimentation and brainstorming and it would form the basis of the participatory process leading to the adoption of the final blue-print.

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