Last Workstream Exchange 28/10/2014


The last working meeting of our took place in Brussels, on 28 October 214. It was the occasion to discuss and exchange on the findings of our study and to deepen the analysis that would serve as the basis for our final thematic report. More than anything else, we sought to put ourselves in cities’ shoes and ask ourselves the following questions:

What can cities do?

How can they grasp our findings?

How could we make them actionable by city leaders, civil servants and stakeholders in general?

As such we kicked off the day, during the whole morning actually, by a presentation of living exhibitions of our case studies in Amersfoort (NL) …

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… and Gdansk (PL).

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We then worked in groups to exchange on lessons learnt and how ‘starters’ could benefit from these insights.


During the afternoon session, we discussed the findings from the chat sessions, based on the research questions, in order to :

  • share the key finding and back them up with examples
  • identify practical messages for cities

 The questions, guiding our work throughout the project, are:

  1. Cities and Social innovation: what practices? What drivers? What role played by cities in SI?
  2. What are the main obstacles/ barriers for cities to promote and make the most of SI? (legal, financial, political/ administrative culture, city organization, etc.)
  3. Overcoming obstacles and barriers
  4. Replication and scaling up

You can check out the list of participants and the agenda here.


Do not hesitate to contact us for further information about the outcome of this meeting!

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This website displays the URBACT CAPITALISATION PROCESS (EU project) work on "Social innovation in cities". The information and views set out in this study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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