4th TESR Forum
4th TESR Forum
The 4th annual forum of the “Ecological and Social Transformation of the Region” Nord-Pas de Calais took place in Lille, at the Regional Council, on the 16th of October 2014.
Around 300 stakeholders from public institutions and public authorities to associations, to citizens, elected representatives or companies, etc. took part to this event.
This year’s forum was the occasion to showcase all the work that have been done so far and to give concrete examples of the ecological and social transformation of the region.
What happened there?
The forum was divided in three main activities:
– Plenary sessions with experts and/or elected representatives discussing the first results of the ecological and social transformation of the region.
– An open exhibition that displays the transformation through concrete and visuels examples taken from all over the region. The exhibition, which was set up all around the regional council chamber, was available in two different modes, either free visit or through 4 guided tours with the “development operations'” leaders. Colored stripes marked on the floor the 7 paths to follow in order to discover the 7 development operations that were displayed.
(to see the online tour, please visit the EXHIBITION POSTERS & BOARDS page)
– 4 different workshop sessions:
- Determinants of change
- The Commons in public policies
- New business models
- A new concept of public policy-making
The exhibition – A symbolic walk around the region
The ecological and social transformation of the region happens both at regional policy level and local level (on the ground). In order to be able to really “touch and see” the change, it would require to go out and visit the region. The forum format does not allow, unfortunately, to take 300 people out on a field trip through the region to visit the transformation in progress. So we decided to bring “bits of the region within” the setting of the forum through an exhibition. It invites participants to follow 7 different colored paths in order to visit and experience the transformation of the region through a symbolic walk around the territory. Guides – who are different operations’ leaders – take the participants around and explain their operation through a four-step visist :
1. Introduction in front of the operations’ presentation boards
2. Walk around the exhibition
3. Watching of short movies for the 4 operations that offered a guided tour
4. 20 minutes-long discussion/debate with participants