Malmö DesignEx Workshop 1…

A group of K3/MAH design students have been involved in a four weeks ethnographic study shadowing 5 characters from Malmö, mapping their daily trips, building mobility mood-boards and mind maps, inventing different games around mobility to holistically challenge the family mobility patterns… Together they collected a large quantity of material that was used at the first scenario building workshop held by SDS on 1st and 2nd of March in Malmö. Stimulating and refreshing according to the participants from the City of Malmö and WWF Sweden assisting to the first day: “we have the impression to better understand the people and the gaps and barriers they have that prevent them to shift their mobility…” said one of them at the end of the day.

A series of scenarios have been drafted the second day with the students and will be refined during the next 3 weeks. The scope is now to come up with 5-8 teasing scenarios emblematic of the user-driven approach conducted so far to kick-off the large stakeholder workshop scheduled for March 31st: the City of Malmö and WWF Sweden just launched 70 invitations to key stakeholder in the field of mobility in Malmö. They will have half a day to build on the creative scenarios of the students and through a back-casting approach imagine what their role could be to facilitate and implement them!