Scenario > Multi-level Governance triggers the opportunity to negotiate for funds
This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Emulation Workshop” organized at the CoR (Brussels – 3/02/2012).
* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.
Aleksey Driovic, Senor Policy Advisor (Ukraine)
” Along with my Ukrainian colleague, we have launched an appeal to the EU institutions based on the MLG Charter which guarantees all level of governments to act and use with autonomy financial means. Both the Committee of the regions and the European parliament and the Council of Europe supported our complaint, based on MLG charter commitment, and have made political pressure over our governments. I invite you to the opening of the hospital in the cross-border area, which has been created thanks to the ENP funds and of course the MLG charter. ”