Lessons learnt from the story-telling exercises
One of the main part of the co-design process of the MLG Charter was based on a story-telling exercise: participants involved during the Steering Committee, the pre-interviews sessions and the Co-creation workshop were each time encouraged to imagine new situations where the MLG Charter would be used and to capture these situations though a simple Story-telling exercise.
Beyond working material for the use-based methodology, they constitutes a stimulating panorama of possible or potential usages and application of the MLG Charter. Different usages of the Charter are emerging form the analysis of the stories emerged from the story-telling exercise.
1/ Facilitating convergence and collaboration
The MLG Charter process is seen as a way for better mutual understanding and collaboration between institutional levels and various stakeholders, a space for exchange of experiences and practices, a basis to start negotiations, foster engagement and build coalitions:
- […] The process they are taking is also seen as learning and they share their progress on the MLG website […]
- […] idea is not only to create the communications between levels of government, but also bring this multi-layered communication and collaboration between academia, government and business […]
- […] The MLG Charter assists local, regional and national levels to adhere to national reform programs to implement various objectives set by Europe 2020 in local and regional areas […] Coordinators and facilitators who are familiar with the issue and MLG are working in cooperation with expert bodies and national agencies to ensure duplication does not occur […]
- […] The MLG Charter has been triggered to negotiate and collaborate with other European Countries to explore knowledge and methods to implement such a plan […]
- […] The Rescue Services […] are joining forces through leveraging the MLG Charter to work in partnership on both ambulance and fire emergencies […]
- […] local level […] needs to address the issues in their local context, however need to comply and work with national and international levels to monitor and measure progress. The MLG charter is assisting with the conversation, negotiation and facilitation going on between different levels […]
- […] regions are playing an increasing role in designing regional development strategy […]. MLG is being used as a charter to trigger for engagement […]
- […] I used it (the MLG Charter) in order to build a coalition with the representatives of the European Commission, the BCE 2, LRAS, to identify least painful and most just ways of applying the budgetary austerity needed […]
2/ Leveraging and taking action
The second usage of the Charter quoted in the stories collected is leveraging on the Charter to post complain or claim for governance changes and especially to facilitate dialogue between local/regional levels and national/European one:
- […] Along with my Ukrainian colleague, we have launched an appeal to the EU institutions based on the MLG Charter […]
- […] I’m reclaiming a “one-stop-shop” and I lodged a complaint to the mediator on the bases of the MLG charter […]
- […] although it is not their role, the group of cities decides to take action anyway and leveraging on the recently issued charter on multi-level governance […]
- […] start negotiations with the European Commission by leveraging with the Multi Level Governance Charter […]
- […] regions in Europe are cooperating with decision-making levels of government. In general the EU Commission and Member States are paying more attention to conversation and negotiation due to the new MLG Charter […]
- […] the City […] became one of the members of the European collective signatories of the MLG charter. Local partners now have a new form of leverage to claim their rights […]
- […] My lawyer appeals on the grounds of the MLG Charter which stipulates that the citizens cannot suffer the damage deriving from conflicts between regulations from different levels. So the suspension of the works has been upheld until the final resolution of the conflicts between regulations […]
3/ Inspiring model and reference
Also in many situations pictured in the stories, the Charter is seen as an inspiring element that ’embodies’ the change form the current models towards a new culture of governance and provide related processes and tools to support and promote it:
- […] be an initial source of inspiration for a full implication of all stakeholders […] guide consultation processes, […] identify tools and options, […] provide stimuli for experimentation and brainstorming and […] form the basis of the participatory process […]
- […] I discovered the Charter as an important reference with good and bad practices of democratic citizenship (from the online platform) […]
- […] a foresight exercise which will enable to anticipate the implementation and the actualization of the multi-level governance charter principles in a 30 years […]
- […] the “City” and townships don’t coordinate their politics, […] She used the charter […] to hold the tourist stakeholders “Accountable” via the local press. She progressively succeeded and got the mayors of the little townships to also sign the charter and the mayor […] to take concrete actions […]
- […] we used it to develop a 3D digital tool which allows to visualize data, stakeholders, competences of the different territories, public and private actors concerned at the various levels […]
- […] We went to see the municipal authorities, the hospitals, the organizations of nurses and doctors as well as the Ministries […] In other words, we helped MLG happen through our members […]
- […] Through the MLG Charters guidelines on how to create a culture of civil participation and co-designing public policies, they catalysed a new dynamic and culture change between citizens and local government. […]
4/ A multi-service of training, education, dissemination
Beyond the core content of GMN principle the Charter is seen as a system of elements (training programmes, implementation tools, education supports, etc.) to facilitate the dissemination of multilevel governance:
- […] The association has been using the MLG Charter Toolkits to make the animation of work session in which citizens have been able to express their design ideas and views […]
- […] The MLG facilitator has been mediating a conversation between the local and national levels to innovate ways to make best use of the current resources and capabilities […]
- […] MLG Charter assists the cohesion policy to be implemented effectively because of the training programs, tools, communications and education […]
- […] MLG Charter is the beginning of the process of instilling a culture of collaboration, so the education program helps to enhance the MLG agenda […]
- […] celebrate and create unity amongst EU members on MLG Charter; local, regional and national leaders come together for a 2 day forum to be trained on the principles of MLG and also sign the Charter[…]
- […] Decisions are in fact taking less time because there is a strong dialogue between different members. These members have been trained in MLG curriculum […]
- […] the MLG Charter has been utilised to ensure there is a 40% allocation of funds to the five regions […]. This transition will occur by having training programs set up with in the […] government to ensure there is strong dialogue occurring between local, regional and national governments on how the budget is being spent […]
- […] Children in local schools […] have been introduced to the MLG charter through the interactive charters website explaining in simple schemes and using easy examples, the main principles of MLG […]
- […] I could gain visibility towards the European Commission for my small association and its objectives. […]
- […] the city mayor which received the label “For a good MLG in Europe” by signing the charter have based some new local […]
Collection of scenarios of use of the Charter
The core of the co-design process of the MLG Charter is based on a story-telling exercise: participants involved during the Steering Committee, the Pre-interviews sessions and the Co-creation workshop were each time encouraged to imagine new situations where the MLG Charter would be used and to capture these situations though a simple Story-telling exercise.
The catalogue of consistent 27 stories already constituted can be browsed hereafter. Beyond working material for the use-based methodology, they constitutes a stimulating panorama of possible or potential usages and application of the MLG Charter.
Click here to see all the scenarios >>>
Scenario > Free Public Transport in Tallinn
This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Engagement Interviews”, (Brussels – 03-04/2012).
* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.
Miiko Ivanov, Director of Services, City of Tallinn (Estonia)
Since beginning of 2011 and Estonia passing to Euro, a local citizen network for Free public transport has been gathering citizens, local associations acting in the field of social and environment. After 2 years of negotiation and collective engagement, they reached the objective of free public transport from 2013, 1st of Jan. Through the MLG Charters guidelines on how to create a culture of civil participation and co-designing public policies, they catalysed a new dynamic and culture change between citizens and local government. Through various actions and phases of collaborative thinking, there has been strong citizen feedback to the local government to introduce a free public transport system. The forums held to make this decision involved co-design, trial and testing services with ‘free days’ and consulting the wider public through surveys. In fact, many citizens have shown excitement about being involved in ‘everyday politics’. Members of Parliament and local council are now taking new habits in listening and taking into account the feedback structured by citizens and implementing practical programs like this installation o free public transport in the city of Tallinn. Not all citizens are embracing the MLG charter, it is not a ‘best seller’, however there are some active citizens who are using it to make a difference in their local area and it created a real shift. Through this action, the city of Tallinn obtained a special award for the 2013 “For a good MLG in Europe”.
News Break: “Estonia’s capital Tallinn said Monday it will become the first European capital with free public transport, but critics slammed the move as a politically motivated waste of money. City authorities said public transport will be free from January 1, 2013, and pointed to a recent poll that found three quarters of the capital’s 416,000 supported the idea. “Tallinn is the first capital in Europe to take the step of making public transport free,” Mayor Edgar Savisaar said Monday in a press release, adding the move would make the city “the flagship of green movement in Europe.” Officials also noted the Estonian capital, a popular tourist destination for Finns and Russians, has spearheaded the European Green Capital movement aimed at boosting environmental protection in capital cities.”
Scenario > Time!
This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Engagement Interviews”, (Brussels – 03-04/2012).
* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.
Olga Krawczyk, Senior Policy Advisor (Poland)
A new hat has been created for Multi-level Governance (MLG) (based on Edward De Bono’s 6 Hats idea) to allow extra time for people involved in an MLG focused project to have the time to respond and participate adequately. The factor of time has been considered as an important aspect of MLG. In order for MLG to function properly good planning must occur with all initiatives. Time for consultation needs to be included in all project planning whether at a state, regional or national level. This takes into consideration respect for other members. In fact there are a closet of hats for MLG communication and negotiation. The new “MLG Hats” have been made for the following MLG principles: respect, negotiation, trust, time, openness, sharing, and efficiency.
* in reference to De Bono
Scenario > Equal Opportunity
This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Engagement Interviews”, (Brussels – 03-04/2012).
* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.
Mikal Spiteri, Senior Policy Advisor (Malta)
In the context of Malta the Multi-level Governance (MLG) Charter has been utilised to ensure there is a 40% allocation of funds to the five regions in Malta. This transition will occur by having training programs set up with in the Maltese government to ensure there is strong dialogue occurring between local, regional and national governments on how the budget is being spent. The training will occur for internal government employees who will act as facilitators within the government to ensure all of the transactions are being handled efficiently. As well as the implementation and evaluation of projects which spend the regional budgets. Currently only 10% of the funds has been allocated to the regions, and the other 90% of the 880 million is being spent on a national level. Sustainable development will be a major task for the regional spend of their allocated budgets.
Scenario > Rescue Service Partnership
This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Engagement Interviews”, (Brussels – 03-04/2012).
* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.
Henri Kohl, Legal advisor for European affairs in (Luxemburg)
Normally organised on national levels, is the emergency service for ambulance, however fire brigades are organized locally. The Rescue Services in Luxemburg are joining forces through leveraging the MLG Charter to work in partnership on both ambulance and fire emergencies. By working together and using the same website infrastructure and organization the emergency services offered to the citizens will be better run and more investment made into improving the service. The MLG facilitator has been mediating a conversation between the local and national levels to innovate ways to make best use of the current resources and capabilities of each level of government. The outcome is to achieve one service with co-direction between local and national levels. The national level sees the local level as a good partner because they have the connections to the people ‘on the ground’ as well as being a good investor.
Scenario > Re-structuring of Funds from Public Sector Office to Issues in Local and Regional Levels
This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Engagement Interviews”, (Brussels – 03-04/2012).
* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.
Andres Ionescu, Director for Regional Affairs (Romania)
An administrative reform has taken place with the effort to divert funding from the public sector administration to issues which are more relevant to local and regional levels such as schools, waste management, food, agriculture and hospitals. The MLG Charter is being used as a negotiation tool to create conversation and negotiation between different levels of government to ensure the funding is placed in the most efficient and effective areas that benefit each particular issue. The jobs that were lost from cutting of public sector jobs have been created in other areas such as: relating to the issues at hand on the ground, as well as for facilitator roles in MLG negotiation and facilitation as it is now perceived as a way to save money and create new political culture.
Scenario > Water Management and Climate Change – Across Boundary Issues
This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Engagement Interviews”, (Brussels – 03-04/2012).
* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.
Paul Hoffman, Senior Policy Advisor (Luxemburg)
Environmental issues in Luxemburg relate to the national and international policies being set. The issues locally that are managed are schools, roads and waste management. The more ‘universal’ issues without boundaries such as water management, climate change and air pollution have a broader focus. The local level of Luxembourg needs to address the issues in their local context, however need to comply and work with national and international levels to monitor and measure progress. The Multi-level Governance (MLG) charter is assisting with the conversation, negotiation and facilitation going on between different levels of government to achieve the issues which cross boundaries.
Scenario > Energy Efficiency Program
This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Engagement Interviews”, (Brussels – 03-04/2012).
* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.
Antto Tuominen, Director Regional Affairs, Environmental expert (Finland)
The European Commission, through the different greening programs, particularly in relation to developing energy efficiency of buildings in the public sectors, decide to develop targets to be reached at local levels by public authorities. The group of local regions with the Committee of Regions start negotiations with the European Commission by leveraging with the Multi Level Governance Charter. This leads to the Committee of Regions setting overarching targets for energy efficiency of buildings in the public sector. These targets are left with each local level to decide and to organise the best way, according to their context, capabilities and resources to reach these targets. The constant reference to the Multi-level Governance Charter at the core of the negotiation, helped to convince the European Commission to set the new European Directive on Public Building Energy Efficiency in a much more open way.
Scenario > Celebration Forum for all Levels of Government
This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Engagement Interviews”, (Brussels – 03-04/2012).
* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.
Giuseppe Ferrara, Senior Policy Advisor (Italy)
To celebrate and create unity amongst EU members on the Multi-level Governance (MLG) Charter; local, regional and national leaders come together for a 2 day forum to be trained on the principles of MLG and to sign the Charter. This is a period of celebration and connection around a better way to govern. To create a strong political framework for MLG and begin to instill the right political culture of MLG in Europe. This initiative has been inspired by the Covenant of Mayors governance carried on by Abruzzo Region. This is a fully shared scheme by the entire regional government that is active and involved in the allocation of resources and the reshaping of the Operative Regional Programme to be used in the implementation of the interventions included in the SEAP. The celebration is completed by the signing of the Charter by the new-coming participants.