Scenario > Urban Platform for EU Capital of Culture

This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Engagement Interviews”,  (Brussels – 03-04/2012).

* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.


Margarita Kristy, Civil Servant at the Region of Sofia (Bulgaria)

In 2019 a city in Europe will be hosting the EU Capital of Culture. In Bulgaria the capital, Sofia is bidding for the title to use the Urban Platform Policy developed by the EU to source funds. The Urban Platform will be allocating 51% spend to urban development. This is a long-term strategy for public funding at all levels of government in the EU. It ties in with the EU Commission 2020 Strategy and provides opportunities for cities like Sofia to access funding and support. Being a member of the network of the signatories for the MLG Charter enables this process, as Sofia is using Multi-level Governance to negotiate with regional and national levels to negotiate funding for this bid. They are connecting their objectives for a Cultural Capital City and tying these objectives in with the Urban Platform Funding. The negotiations taking place are diverse. There is open dialogue between the city, state and national government, more time is being saved and there is also less duplication of resources. Decisions are in fact taking less time because there is a strong dialogue between different members. These members have been trained in MLG curriculum.  The process they are taking is also seen as learning and their share their progress on the MLG website.

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