Scenario > Energy Efficiency Plan in the Adriatic Sea
This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Engagement Interviews”, (Brussels – 03-04/2012).
* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.
Roberta De Luca, Advisor to Energy Minister (Italy)
The lack of large areas in the surroundings of big populated regions around Europe slows down the growth of the number of wind park installations. This point is even more crucial in nations like Italy, where the sensitiveness towards the preservation of natural beauties makes populations suspicious against new on-shore parks. The Multi-level Governance (MLG) Charter has been triggered to negotiate and collaborate with other European Countries to explore knowledge and methods to implement such a plan. In which off-shore wind projects, technologies have grown up and steadily been developed, local governments, rather than private investors, have both showed strong interest and sensitiveness in acquiring shared knowledge aimed to properly estimate the amount of resources available. This shows a shift in local governments taking action on large projects that affect their city or region, but also impact on the wider EU Scheme to reduce greenhouse energy. The project aims to define a set of strategies and methods common to the countries overlooking the Adriatic Sea valuable for the development of offshore wind farms. The quest for a common action amongst the Adriatic countries would lead to a fast growth of the number of installations. Research and design process will progress through several steps, some of which will be carried out in parallel. MLG is being used to create strong outcomes for the region and the EU in energy efficient and development of renewable technology.The MLG web platform has been a necessary tool to provide information resource on what issues are most commonly used in relation to the relevant MLG issues sustainable development and environment negotiations and collaborations.