Scenario > Strategy of development of Region

This is a future scenario* to show how the charter can create a shift in how Multi-level governance (MLG) is applied in Europe. It has been developed during the “Engagement Interviews”,  (Brussels – 03-04/2012).

* The following story is a fiction imagined during the co-creation process and does not engage the public authorities or stakeholders eventually mentioned.


Piotr Dąbrowski, Regional Director for Poland

All strategies made in Poland involve a detailed consultation process. This has occurred in the Strategy of Development of Region. Polish regions are playing an increasing role in designing regional development strategy. Regions are in charge of managing 24.6% of the cohesion funds, for 2007-2013, more than EUR 16 billion. This contrasts with 2004-06 when all EU funds were allocated at central level. Multi-level Governance (MLG) is being used as a charter to trigger engagement. For the next five year program for Strategy on Regional Development MLG negotiations based on the charter principles are the core elements. Furthermore, 42% of the allocated EU funds are going to be innovatively and ethically invested at a regional level.

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