MLG Charter presented during a CIVEX side session
A side session presentation to the political groups of the Committees of the Regions has been organized on the 27th of April in the occasion of the CIVEX annual meeting.
A first synthesis of the lessons learnt after the pre-interviews and co-creation workshop was presented through a series of slides to a series of representative of the political groups of the Committees of the Regions in the occasion of the CIVEX annual meeting.
The sessions took place during lunch time. It was chaired by Mr Luc Van den Brande in présence of the President Mrs Mercedes Bresso.
After the presentation of the collaborative approach and the general orientations for the MLG Charter, the participants had the chance to comment both the process and the early findings. They confirm the usage-oriented approach and underlined the necessity to keep the Charter concrete, simple so that people can easily understand it. The Charter should be design to prompt collaboration between the levels and capability to work together. They agree addressing the national level was key. They also encourage to use the potential of new media to enable the usages, dissemination and appropriation of the Charter.
Between main course and dessert, participants ware also involved to take part to a short hands-on tagging exercise commenting individually with stickers the main orientations for the Charter form and content summarized on table sets.