recycling of the old furniture

Problematic background and context
In the moving process from one place to an othere, or in the process of repairing the flats, people don’t find use for their old furniture, but it might be still usable for others. The aims of the project are also environmentalism and a wish to knock on the consciense. Make peole think more deeply about how they live. Basically you spend the same money if you restore old chair instead of buying a new one. The mission is accomplished if one chair is saved and one new thing less. Mööblikom is a shop, where people can bring their old furniture. There it will have a new look and find a new owner. It is also a small nudge for the mainstream furniture in the big shops. People who visit this shop, can choose an appropriate peace of furniture and it will be made as they wish or they can choose from the readymades which are still allways quaint.. It’s the only commision shop where people can find an old thing which could be fixed spetially for them – restaurated or given a new look.

Solution description
People bring their unused old furniture to Mööblikom. If it fits, it will be taken. People who visit this shop, can choose an appropriate peace of furniture and it will be made as they wish, together will be agreed about the colour and design, or they can choose from the readymades which are still allways quaint. It can be restored, recoloured, repeared, fixed specially, basically whatever comes in to fantasy. So it is like a place for a change, a place where you could bring your old stuff and at the same time find something second-new. For now there is accsepted furniture which is at least from the sixties or older, allso some small acsessories. Sometimes it is only about restoreing. Three persons are commited to this solution. The values of the service are quaint and unique object. Motvation for the people who do it, is propagating the environmentalism, but motivation as also money. The shop is visited by people who are aware about the last trends or need elements from decades.

Mööblikom started in December 2002

Development phase
This service is unique, as there is no others like this. Perspective is to broaden. There is no risk factors, but success factors could be for example the fact that more and more people are starting to think environment friendly in future and there is allways people who want something quaint.
The development phase of this service is in the middle, because the perspectives are large.

Revenue/costs model
Finantially the values are time, service, material and per cent from the salesprice. Mööblikom is Confidence Associa. There is about 50 – 100 clients in a month, but it depends on a season. In summer more, winter less. Clients pay in cash.

Social evaluation

Environmental evaluation

Economical evaluation

Kärt Ojavee / Estonian Academy of Arts / Estonia