The LOLA brochure
This brochure introduces to the LOLA Toolkit. It gives an overview of the genesis, intentions and goals of the project as well as a panorama of possible implementations that could be elaborated from all the toolkit material available on line.
Collaborative Services
This book presents the scenario of collaborative services with a range of solution examples, design guidelines and conceptual background on how design could support social innovations promising in terms of sustainable development…
Creative communities
The book is about social innovation as a driver for sustainable technological and production innovation. Adopting a design perspective, it presents several case studies and their providers, the creative communities, where individuals and communities use existing resources in a creative, original way to bring about system innovation.
Sustainable Everyday
What might everyday life be like in a sustainable society? How do you take care of yourself and other people? How do you work, study, move around? How do you cultivate a network of personal and social relationships and create an undistorted relationship with the environment?
What do the sustainable societies we are able to imagine today have in common? How wide a range of options do we have open to us on the basis of these common elements?