Strolls in neighbourhood memories

POC La mémoire dans le code Strolls in neighbourhood memories “After some thinking about the urban transformations that would take place in the neighbourhood —generated by the installation of a centre of excellence in digital technology —some people showed an interest in learning more about digital technology, while others seemed worried about these transformations.” Following the examples of Read more about Strolls in neighbourhood memories[…]

Radius Zone: Intelligent lifestyle facing COVID-19

POC Radius Zone, Beijing- CN Radius Zone: Intelligent lifestyle facing COVID-19 Do you really need to wait for your turn in the barber shop? Do you know the real-time numbers of customers in the supermarket? Or the density of people around the public facility where you want to exercise? The Radius Zone App integrates multi-dimensional service information Read more about Radius Zone: Intelligent lifestyle facing COVID-19[…]

Basic Layout Glossary

POC Glissière en Béton Armé Basic Layout Glossary Anti-parking or anti-terrorist, reinforced concrete barriers have invaded the city. To a greater or lesser degree, these large bricks stigmatise urban areas in reconstruction like hyper centres. Being quite difficult to handle, they are often leftbehind in between different usages. In an attempt to make the most Read more about Basic Layout Glossary[…]

Voucher for a trip to Roubaix

POC Parking de Roubaix Voucher for a trip to Roubaix Parkings are the first thing visiting motorists have contact with in the city. These buildings, often airtight, underground and gloomy, do not reflect the richness of the exterior, full of stories and emotions. How might wegive a preview of the city while being in thisenclosed space? Good for a trip to Read more about Voucher for a trip to Roubaix[…]

Playful paradigm

POC Playful Paradigme, Udine- IT Playful paradigm “Making the healthy choice the enjoyable choice”is the project’s inspiring place-making principle. Playful activities and games promote social inclusion, remove disparities, overcome barriers and build bridges between people, generations and places, thus advocating more easily for change and innovation. Playing and participating The City of Udine in Italy meets head-on Read more about Playful paradigm[…]

The city as a playground?

POC Playful City The city as a playground? Who’s never crossed children drawing with chalk on the sidewalk a hopscotch game and not wanted to hop through the squares? Would fun and colourful urban circuits automatically motivate people to walk and do a little more exercise every day? Would livelier and brighter sidewalks and walkways Read more about The city as a playground?[…]