Housing patience and affordable purchasing map

POC MEL Accession abordable

Housing patience and affordable purchasing map

Whom do I contact if I want to buy a home? What aids are available? Am I eligible? What are the steps to take and the ones to avoid? In short, buying a home is a bit of an uphill battle!

Collaboration in a complex ecosystem

The development of affordable access housing policies constitutes a major challenge for the 2012-2020 Local Housing Plan in the area. The Housing Department of the European Metropolis of Lille is undertaking a service design approach to both gain more insight into the profiles and expectations of low-income and middle-class households, and to develop support solutions for affordable home ownership. The public innovation lab Strategic Design Scenarios in Brussels and its partner in Lille, Rives Nord, are organising a co-construction process with diverse stakeholders: professional private, public and associative; listening to households and collecting their stories; developing emerging ideas and experimenting them… 

User’s experience at the service of users

A wide range of products and services are being developed: families recounting Remarkable purchasing journeys through video micro-reports and showing future owners how purchasing housing has changed: new ways of living, profiles of atypical households and new accession products. A Map of Uses groups user’s best tips and experiences collected during the study in order to facilitate the identification of available stakeholders, help approaching banks or brokers and avoid making the same mistakes again. Housing patience, is a card game helping to prepare for the journey and Projection Game of Property allows to assess the appropriateness of a chosen housing in regard to the different life events to come.

The tools have been tested mainly at ADIL, the Departmental Agency for Information on Housing in Nord and Pas-de-Calais, and the prototypes are still being used to support households that are looking to buy new housing…

  • Project holders : Métropole Européenne de Lille
  • Designers : Strategic Design Scenarios, Rives Nord
  • Stakeholders : Association Départementale d’Information sur le Logement Nord-Pas-De-Calais, Fédération des Promoteurs Immobiliers Hauts de France, Centre Études de la Conjoncture Immobilière, Union Régionale pour l’Habitat Hauts de France, Action Logement, Procivis, Vilogia Premium, Ville de Lille, Notre Logis, Partenord Habitat, Escaut habitat, BPCE, POP Immobilier 
  • Photo credits: Strategic Design Scenarios