POC Passage de la Soie
‘Passage de la soie’ to weave connections
Federating residences’ inhabitants
The project “Tisser des liens”aims to associate residence inhabitants of Le Touquet and La Filature around possible uses for the ‘Passage de la Soie’ in Tourcoing. The project grew out of the collaboration between SERGIC – both residences’ trustee – and the Higher School of Applied Arts and Textiles of Roubaix. Through the practice of co-design, the project intends to federate the inhabitants of the residences managed by SERGIC, around a common reflection on the future of their living space. This approach puts citizen participation at the centre and certifies “the mastery of use”, making citizens top experts of their living space. Space design students were accompanied by the designer Pierre-Mathieu Degruel, in order to imagine mediation tools and lead three workshops with citizens.
Furniture that generates encounters
At the end of the workshops, prototypes were developed to be tested on the ‘Passage de la Soie’. The identity of this furniture that generates encounters is based on the site’s textile industrial past. Encouraging service exchange between citizens, using gardening as a vehicle for social ties or developing sharing patterns through the articulation of service spaces, these projects reactivate the memory of the ‘Passage de la Soie’ in order to reweave links between citizens.
- Porteurs de projet/Project holders :SERGIC
- Designers :Pierre-Mathieu Degruel,l’Ecole Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et duTextile de Roubaix
- Acteurs/Stakeholders : Ville de Tourcoing
- Crédits photo / photo credits: Pierre-Mathieu Degruel,l’Ecole Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et duTextile de Roubaix