POC Jardins familiaux Quartier Faubourg à Béthune
Gardening collaboration between neighbours
“We want a garden that is unlike any other garden in Lille”,declaresGeorges, a resident of the Faubourg de Béthune neighbourhood. Georges, Guislaine, Alexandra, Hervé, Ahmed and all the citizensparticipating in the process, wishabove allto:“forge links between neighbours”, “reachchildren who neverleave theirhouse”, “exchangetheirknow-how and activatehidden resources.”
Shared intergenerational garden
Located at the foot of somebuildings, Barbusse Park’s shared gardensets outto be a place oflearning and exchange of knowledge, which quite naturally the residents engaged in the co-design process are veryeager to see come true. Beyond a simpledream or beautiful idea, thecommunitygarden aims to become a meeting placefor neighbours, bothyoung and old; a breathing space rich in biodiversity; a convivial place with a barbecue,whereineach family in the neighbourhood comesand sharesa mealin a potluck.
While awaitingthe completion of the garden, residents are already giving thought to how they willorganise the garden’smanagement: who will plant seedlings in spring and collect squash in fall? What will become of the garden in winter?
A kiosk to bring gardeners together
If some facilities like garden sheds, ponds, barbecues, etc. are arranged by the city, residents expressed the desire to make their own installations using recycled objects and materials.The design team Bravo! will helpthem with the creation ofa tool to organisecollectively the garden’smanagement, and according to the seasons. Theshared tool will be developedwith them around the idea of a kiosk, a meeting and sharing place to be located in the center of the garden.
- Porteurs de projet/Project holders :Quartier Faubourg de Béthune- Ville de Lille
- Designers :Bravo !
- Acteurs/Stakeholders : Lille Sud Insertion, habitantsde Verharen/ Verharen’s residents
- Crédits photo / photo credits : Quartier Faubourg de Béthune- Ville de Lille