POC Quartier Saint-Pierre, Croix
Meeting squares!
Rehabilitation of 3 squares
The collectiveGraphiteswent out and about to meet the neighbourhood’s inhabitants in order to collect their feelings about their living environment. Some feel nostalgic for the old days when they used to meet outside and play petanque or simply chat. Others long for more green spaces within the neighbourhood… This inclusive approach is in line with the urban policy carried out by the municipality of Croix in the St-Pierre: three squares will be rehabilitated with children’s playgrounds, benches, new green spaces… Drawing on the local dynamics, the collective has implemented a research-action approach with the inhabitants in order to guide them through the design of this “little extra something”, which will enhance the neighbourhood’s image.
Fences that encourage sharing
To involve the citizens from the design phase to the production phase means to make them real actors of their space and thus reintroduce the question around the appropriation of squares. The collective’s approach is immersive, the creation aims to be collective and participative, a driving force for encounters! The constructions encourage sharing and doing together. They question the surrounding space, showing passers-by the extent of possibilities.
Small poetic appropriations such as bird boxes, flower or aromatic plants will take place on the fences of the squares, like surprises to be manipulated, looked at, touched, experimented…
- Porteurs de projet/Project holders :Ville de Croix
- Designers :collectif/ collective Graphites
- Acteurs/Stakeholders : habitants et le conseil citoyen du quartier Saint-Pierre de Croix / citizens and the citizen council of the neighbourhood Saint-Pierre de Croix