Design for social innovation and sustainability
In the complexity of contemporary society, social innovation is spreading and its potential, as a driver of sustainable change, is increasing. To facilitate this process, the design community, in general, and design schools, in particular, can play a pivotal role. In fact, design schools can orient their didactic and research activities towards social innovation. That is, they can become design laboratories where new visions are generated, new tools are defined and tested and where new projects are started and supported.
Creative community and social innovation
In 2009, was born the network DESIS: Design for Social Innovation towards Sustainability. In the following years, DESIS spread in several regions of the world, establishing partnerships with other entities and evolving towards a network of Design Labs based in design schools and in other design-oriented universities and operating with local, regional and global partners to promote and support social change towards sustainability. Since 2014, DESIS is a no-profit and cultural association, with the purpose to promote design for social innovation in higher education institutions with design discipline so as to generate useful design knowledge and to create meaningful social changes in collaboration with other stakeholders.
A network of DESIS Labs
DESIS Network aims at using design thinking and design knowledge to co-create, with local, regional and global partners, socially relevant scenarios, solutions and communication programs. Its purpose is threefold:
- To trigger, enable and scale-up social innovation.
- Clarify the design potential both inside and outside the design community.
- Promote an open design program where several local, regional and global projects may converge, reinforce each other and generate innovative scenarios and solutions.
DESIS Network’s higher ambition is to produce knowledge with the contribution of different partners and that can be used by all stakeholders.
- Porteurs de projet/Project holders :
- Designers :DESIS labs de 55 écoles et universités de design dans le monde / DESIS Labs in 55 design schools and universities worldwide