Midterm Workshop Growing 5

How can cities stimulate (re)engagement of citizens in growing (i.e. window gardening; private garden; community gardens…) ?

Midterm Workshop Growing 4

What is the potential of creating profitable companies and secure self-supporting jobs in urban agriculture?

Midterm Workshop Growing 3

What is the potential of creating profitable companies and secure self-supporting jobs in urban agriculture?

Midterm Workshop Growing 2

How can cities handle the conflict between urban densification and maintenance of growing spaces?

Midterm Workshop Growing 1

How can cities handle the conflict between urban densification and maintenance of growing spaces?

Midterm Workshop Funding 4

How can sustainable food action plans and actions be in part funded by EU programmes such as ERDF or ESF?

Midterm Workshop Funding 3

What other public funds can be tapped into for sustainable food at national, regional, municipal levels (e.g. national public health funds…)?

Midterm Workshop Funding 2

Through what schemes can citizens and private businesses invest effectively in sustainable food without reliance on public funds (e.g. community supported agriculture…)?

Midterm Workshop Funding 1

Through what schemes can citizens and private businesses invest effectively in sustainable food without reliance on public funds (e.g. community supported agriculture…)?

Midterm Workshop CO2 and Resource Efficiency Strategies 4

On what priority aspects should cities focus to increase CO2 and resources efficiency of the food system?