Watch now the video of the city of Brussels that commit to place sustainable food high on the political city agenda for 2015 and beyond!
Brussels 31 March 2015 – Towards a more sustainable food system: launch of a regional strategy

The Brussels Local Dissemination event will take place on 31 March – Detailed programme & invitation_31-03-15 ************************* VERS UN SYSTÈME ALIMENTAIRE PLUS DURABLE : LANCEMENT D’UNE STRATÉGIE RÉGIONALE NAAR EEN DUURZAMER VOEDINGSSYSTEEM: LANCERING VAN EEN GEWESTELIJKE STRATEGIE 31/03/2015 – 8H30 > 16H30 Madame, Monsieur, Bruxelles Environnement – IBGE a le plaisir de vous inviter à […]
Brussels local newsletter about sustainable food is out!

The newsletter is sent to local public administrations in the city and gives a heads up on Brussels Environment projects regarding sustainable food. Thus, this third newsletter provides information about environmental education through sustainable food projects such as Bubble. It also reminds about the actions currently taking place in Brussels-Capital region, such as the European […]
Good practices in communication for Brussels.

EWWR focuses on food waste reduction in 2014 The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) is a European project (Life+ 2013-2017) promoting the implementation of awareness-raising actions about sustainable resource and waste management during a single week. It encourages a wide range of audiences (public authorities, private companies, civil society as well as […]
Sustainable Food, from now on a priority sector for ERDF funding in Brussels!

In April 2014, the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region approved the new Operational Programme for the implementation of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the 2014-2020 programming period. The sustainable food sector is one of the 5 priority sectors specifically identified to be funded and developed. The programme stresses: “Developing agriculture […]

Parckfarm “from the landscape to the plate” – a design festival celebrating kitchen garden.

The 2014 edition of the Brussels “Parckdesign” festival – supported by Brussels Environment – comes to life in the new Tour & Taxis park from May to September 2014. Entitled PARCKFARM “From the landscape to the plate”, it invites visitors to discover a new park typology through art installations, agricultural performances and flavorful experiences. Take […]
Update: Follow-up Urban Food Strategy Mix workshop

Follow-up Urban Food Strategy Mix workshop Your Feedback matters After the enthousisastic exchanges, on 5 February 2014 in Brussels with stakeholders from over 40 cities, do let us know your Feed back and Suggestions so that we can enrich the exchanges of our network. View presentations, videos & background documents Many of you expressed interest in […]
Urban Agriculture in Brussels, the emergence of a sector

200 stakeholders met in Brussels on 26 March 2014 to discuss urban agriculture in Brussels and in Europe. Given the challenges currently facing towns and cities (demographics, pollution, social inequalities, etc.), urban agriculture is gradually becoming a strategic development axis. Like other cities, the Brussels-Capital Region is affected by this trend and wishes to support […]
Messina Growing Meeting Speed presentation J. Henrion

URBACT Transnational Messina Growing meeting / Speed presentation J. Henrion (Brussels)