May 28, 2013

Contributor:  Ourense

Governance, synergies and local systems /  Canteens ,  Restaurants, Final consumers:  Low-income Households & multi-ethnic communities,  Youngsters

Tasting various recipes of local food on happy hour

“Sabores de Ourense” (OurenseFlavours) is an annual publicity campaign to increase demand of local food on canteens & bars trough offer of a map of Spanish “tapas” (little portions of food) focused to local demand (citizens) and tourists.

This public policy develops on two seasons (spring and autumn) a net of over 30 cantens & bars on the city with a special offer of one original portion recepee based on local food.

All consumers can vote, before eat three diferent portions, to “best Ourense´s flavour” on a prize.


The publicity campaign contains different measures in all kind of media:

  • Traditional
    • TV
    • Radio
    • Local Press
    • National and regional fairs focused to tourism
    • ICT
      • Twitter
      • Facebook
      • Foursquare (All canteens are bars are geo-located trough this social media platform)


Fostering local sector of canteens and bars (Spain, Galicia and Ourense have the best ratios of this type of companies/citizen of all EU ;D)

Awareness tourists and our people about high level of our food culture in the sense of Health, opportunity and regional development. Remember: Basque country and Galicia are the best “cuisines of Spain”


About 50.000 portions are consumed on a city over 100.000 unhabitants!


Enviromental benefits are reduction of Co2 generation with increasing of consum of local foods reducing distribution chain and reduction of use of pacacging with use of local production.


Social benefits are a offer of food portions at cheapest prizes to youngsters and low-income households and awareness of local food trough traditional media, internet and leaflets payed by local administration trough funds of public company of ourism Department of our city. Publicity without cost to canteens and bars sector.


Economical benefits are increasing of demand on local sector of canteens, bars and restaurants and training to sector enterprises at enterpreneurs with seminars of best chiefs and specialist of the country in different issues: seasonable food, ICT to communication, local products….


Contra: Specific use of local ingredients are not required