POC Trinum Lilliad – Université de Lille
To see the air quality
Better use of public buildings
The project, carried out by the City of Lomme and LILLIAD Learning Center Innovation, allows users to state the problems relative to air quality more objectively, thus capturing the stakes around ambient air pollution. In concrete terms, this system consists, on the one hand, of a set of sensors installed in the building LILLIAD, coupled to a low-energy consumption information transmission network and, on the other hand, of an interactive visualisation device allowing to see all the collected data. All of these tools, both for the infrastructure part and the interactive visualisation part, will be deployed in the building Trinum, the new Digital Arts and Cultures Cluster in the City of Lomme.
Informing about air quality in real time
The design process opens up, for this project, the perspective of participatory workshops in order to understand how the range of data and its visualisation methods should be developed, but also to test and consolidate the solutions produced during the prototyping phase. Depending on the nature of the participants in the workshops, it will also be possible to specialise the air quality visualisation tool, so that users take this data into account in the use they make of the building, but also to enable managers and decision-makers associated with the building to be able to act if needed.
- Porteurs de projet/Project holders : LILLIAD Learning Center Innovation (Université de Lille / University of Lille) & la ville de / the city of Lomme dans le cadre de la préfiguration du futur Trinum (pôle des arts et cultures numériques) / as part of the prefiguration of the future Trinum (digital arts and cultures hub)
- Designer : Christophe Guérin
- Acteurs/Stakeholders : l’institut de recherche sur les composants logiciels et matériels pour l’information et la communication avancée (Ircica, CNRS/ Université de Lille) / the research institute on software and hardware components for advanced information and communication (Ircica, CNRS/University of Lille)
- Crédit photo/Photo credit : LILLIAD Learning Center Innovation (Université de Lille / University of Lille)