English version

Multi-level governance

As an evolution of Agendas 21, the new Engagement 21 emerges as key-tools of governance between territories and between actors. Engagements 21 articulates and synergizes participation from citizen action, collaboration of local socio-economical players to be in cohesion with regional, national and European levels. 

Societal Activity

The notion of co-responsibility galvanizes the act of mainstreaming Societal Activity. It works as a sort of  General Social Tax but in kind. Each employer, whether from public or private sectors,  contributes by allowing a  measured quantity of working hours in order to support projects of general interest.


In front of the social, environmental and economic issues and its consequences such as permanent instability and shortage of public funding, the Engagements 21 proposes the principle of co-responsibility between inhabitants, public authorities and enterprises.

Citizenship availability

Engagements 21 is shifting fundamentally the relations towards public bodies and the citizen engagement. The solutions emerge from individual initiatives and their up-scaling within companies and public bodies as well as for free lancers, retired, young  and unemployed persons.

Negotiation tools

Each employee is allowed to dedicate some time to collective project work, according to professional and/or personal competence profile. The Engagement 21 acts as a negotiation tool to align personal competences, needs of the local eco-system and social and environmental strategic challenges.

eGouvernance 21 platform

These complex negotiations require trade-off and construction of synergies. In order to facilitate these, the eGovernance Platform 21 offers a range of different tools such as participative forums, interest groups and deliberative processes. It allows involvement of citizens in the co-construction of a coherent local program of Societal Activities. The program is, then, validated by the territorial assembly.

Co-production and co-management

Active citizens involved in Societal Activities are participating in two ways. First by taking part in the production of the service. Second due to this concrete experience of the service they have, these citizens may contribute to the managment of the service within the eGovernance 21 platform.

Societal Activity Assignment

Technically the SAR, the Societal Activity Right is a contract for each individual: employee, volunteer, student… The Societal Activity Right is locally negotiable as ‘SAR holidays’ and can be used for individually initiated projects of local interest or international solidarity.

Societal flexibility and economical activities

The SAR is flexible, based on a common agreement between between employer and employee, in order: to meet economic needs of the business, as well as concentrating forces to kick-off social projects, especially for the beginning phases.

Societal Activity Payroll

Employees receive both their salary payroll and Societal Activity Form, that accounts time dedicated according to their competence profile agreed between local Engagement 21, their employer and themselves. The Societal Activity is paid with the local currency to enhance the local businesses.