English version
This scenario has been elaborated starting form the conclusions of the Assessment report of the call for projects ‘Agenda Iris 21’ in February 2012. It pictures a set of suggestions co-produced by the participants to the assessment study and does not engage nor reflect the Brussels-Capital Region views and opinions.
Participative construction
After three years of a successful call for projects on Agenda Iris 21, the Region, the local councils and the local Social Institutions launch a participative process to co-construct the future of Agenda 21 in the Brussels Capital Region.
Public dissemination
A process of innovation and sustainable transformation has been started within public authorities: Agenda Iris 21, is now setting up a monthly public event to share the work achieved or in progress.
Public policy labs 21
The analysis of Iris 21’s experience mostly emphasized the barriers of internal governance within institutions: collaborative labs run by Agenda 21 partners are set-up locally to facilitate and ensure sustainability transitions.
Campus Iris 21
Campus 21 are organized in order to refocus on global sustainable development principles. Campus 21 is a training initiative for elected officials and civil servants to discover successful foreign local sustainability projects and to discuss related governance.
Platform Iris 21
Rather than setting up its own Agenda 21, the Region offers to install an Iris 21 Platform in order to activate a transversal and multi-level approach between all regional Agendas 21 initiatives.
Experiences of transversal subsidies
Regional Platform Iris 21 generates concrete experimentations, for instance new forms of transversal subsidies to enforce inter-territoriality and collaboration between institutions involved in local Agenda 21 processes.
Mediator between institutions
Some Iris 21 Platform coordinators are shared between two or more institutions. This sharing process demonstrates the interest of ‘outside-in’ posture allowing to be rooted in an institution as well as keeping a certain distance to facilitate the construction of outside synergies.
Sustainable Inspection 21
Iris 21 Platform promotes Sustainable Inspections 21 that, in the same way as the Budget inspections, systematically assesses the sustainability of all projects within in each of the local authorities.
Systemic Indicators
More than assessing the progress of each single Action plan, the Iris 21 Platform set-up regional indicators. Progress is assessed globally in terms of penetration of sustainable development in local governance, subsidiarity, responsibility, pluralism, transparency, participation, solidarity and systemic approach…
Interactive network
The former institutional and Action-plan based Agenda 21 process has shifted to become more organic, integrated, oriented towards new synergies and transversalities. It gives systematic visibility to all the actions carried out by the Iris 21 Platform and emerges as a significant example of sustainable multi-level governance.