POC Covoiturage Projectim
Housing with car sharing included
Carpooling is becoming increasingly popular, especially in areas that are poorly served by public transport and/or that have limited parking. A lot of people that usually drive private cars are changing their travel habits and are moving towards this alternative: most of the time, they organise themselves through car-sharing groups or mobile apps. For SOGEPROM-PROJECTIM, a property developer in the Hauts de France region, mobility services should be an integral part of housing programmes imagined by developers.
Pooling and optimising travel
How do we develop social ties while meeting citizen’s mobility needs and promoting sustainable travel? SOGEPROM-PROJECTIM pays particular attention to mobility’s impact and the parking problems generated by the creation of new housing. Within the residence Montalembert in Villeneuve D’Ascq, the property developer wants to create, with the help of residents, a tool that allows them to communicate their daily mobility needs and identify the possibilities of pooling services or types of transport (bike, car, etc.).
A tool co-designed by and for all residents
Pooling a car, sharing trips, sharing deliveries, optimising the use of a bike? Many plausible solutions emerge from this consultation set up with residents in order to co-design a tool accessible to all. To do this, the program has a shared room suitable for exchanges, including boxes with power sockets and electric bicycles. Through mobility services, SOGEPROM-PROJECTIM’s voluntary approach establishes social links between neighbours in their residences. What still has not been defined is what shape will this service take: digital, paper or organisational? The consultation workshops planned with residents will answer this question.