POC Cuisine Commune
Cooking and eating together in Fives
A foretaste of the Communal Kitchen
The project Cuisine Communewas designed to bring together and provide the citizens of Fives and Hellemmes with a context for cooking and eating together, exchange recipes, discuss food issues and participate in a large-scale urban renewal project. To make this a reality, the Association les Sens du Goûtled a prefiguration phase and participated in the creation of a temporary kitchen, open to all and to all proposals, available free of charge: “l’Avant-Goût de la Cuisine Commune” (Foretaste of the Communal Kitchen). To date, the Foretaste has welcomed a large number of partners and users in public events and consultation workshops. This has enabled participants to take ownership of the place and become involved in the project.
Imagining together a shared place
Together, the association and its participants thought about the activities, the facilities and the operating rules to be set up in this shared place. Doubts and questions did not miss from this participative phase: Can a real collective approach be set up in such a short time? How can we address the issue of gender diversity without overshadowing the issue of stigmatisation? How can we turn a single place into a plural place? Answers often came from experimentations and more are still to come. The new kitchen imagined together will soon open its doors!
- Porteurs : CCAS de Lille et l’association « Les Sens Du Goût »
- Acteurs : Ville de Lille, Secours Populaire Français, Association La Cloche, La Sauvegarde du Nord, l’ISA, Récréations Urbaines, Les Potes en Ciel, Ma Cuisine Enthousiaste, Cuisthome, Superquinquin, l’Accorderie, Filofil, etc.
- Crédits photo / photo credits : CCAS de Lille et l’association « Les Sens Du Goût »