Speculations On A Pandemic

Barcelona- ES Speculations On A Pandemic COVID-19 took us all by surprise. How do we come to terms with the abrupt changes forced upon us by confinement? How can we deflect its paralysing effects on our lives and minds, and turn it into a creative force instead? This project confronts fears, doubts and concerns by formalising Read more about Speculations On A Pandemic[…]

Towards a new normal

Malmö- SE Towards a new normal Which kind of values and initiatives might allow communities to better deal with crises? How could these cultures be nurtured and supported? This project explores the principles and structures that support cultures of resilience and resilient cultural scenes.   A collaborative urban exploration The project aims to understanding what kind of Read more about Towards a new normal[…]

One million masks

POC 1MM, Bellorizonte- BR One million masks Should Brazilians wear masks on an everyday basis? Can we imagine Brazilians greeting each other without touching each other? The pandemic is forcing Brazilians to change their habits. Furthermore, in many cities, politicians are making the use of masks compulsory. One million masks (1MM) wants to ensure that all citizens Read more about One million masks[…]

Design for Emergency

POC Design for Emergency, Boston- US Design for Emergency Can design promptly respond to a global crisis through a human-centred approach? How can designers collaborate to develop meaningful products and services addressing the fears, hopes, and needs that characterise this historical moment? Design for Emergency provides a data + design platform tolearn, act,anddesigna new normality, together. Understanding people’s Read more about Design for Emergency[…]

Love of Community care

Love of Community care Due to the isolation caused by the epidemic, vulnerable groups as empty nesters are left unable to adapt to community management, separated from their families and suffering fear and panic. Therefore, a community platform that helps them physically and mentally was designed. Community care for the weak  The platform plans to Read more about Love of Community care[…]

Go back and get it

POC Sankofa Go back and get it Making boundary object from indigenous materials? Storytelling and social connectedness in this period of disruption? Igniting the spirit of Ubuntu–togetherness – for innovation beyond the pandemic? Sankofa– looking back into our cultures – to design and transform livelihoods and spaces and promote a culture of resilience in the post-pandemic era. Cultures of Read more about Go back and get it[…]

Listen to Pets’ Voices

Listen to Pets’ Voices When Wuhan was under quarantine because of COVID-19, what happened to all the pets left unattended because their owners couldn’t get home? Thousands of pets died. Now pets, pet owners and pet volunteers all need a solution to get through present and future difficult times. Rescue unattended pets The Pets’ Voice PSS Read more about Listen to Pets’ Voices[…]

Light Up Your Community Map

POC Jiwubang, Changsha- CN Light Up Your Community Map Materials like masks anddisinfectants stand as effective barriers to the spread of the epidemic, but also to the needs of citizens. How can we solve the procurement problem under the risk of experiencingsupply shortages and cross-infection in an epidemic situation?An online platform for information sharing based on LBSmightjust be the answer. Under the initiative of Hunan University’sData Read more about Light Up Your Community Map[…]

Social unity for volunteers

POC Volun!ty, Wuxi- CN Social unity for volunteers Many volunteers have emerged in the last couple of months, but many lack protective materials. Some volunteers have really heavy tasks, while others have no task at all. You donate to volunteers, but you get no follow-up feedback. If we are to face an epidemic again, how might we Read more about Social unity for volunteers[…]

The school of neighbourhoods

POC La Scuola dei Quartieri The school of neighbourhoods Preserving memories while taking care of the elderly, engaging foreign communities through the art of baking in a public oven, innovating with new forms of cultural production, distribution and fruition, creating manufacturing labs that bridge old and future skills. What if supporting local regeneration means providing citizens Read more about The school of neighbourhoods[…]