English version

Limit of the consumption model

The economic development model based on “extract-consume-throw away” appears to be more detached from the players at a local scale. The shortage in public funding, the increase of the price of raw materials and the decline of the quality of life has induced a push to rethink the way local regions work and question what drives the values of the society.

Mobilization for a regional sustainable economy 

Initiatives from private companies explore new development models based on local resources and a sense of community: industrial ecology initiatives, active participation to the evolution of local competences, fluidification of home/work mobility, working time arrangement, short food circuits, and so on.

Action plans and private initiatives

Private actors invent new hybrid forms of services based on “private-public-citizen” groups. They build on former Agenda 21, define real action plans for a local regional sustainable economy and reinstall a density of relationships generating trust and social cohesion.

Towards a local anchorage

These new Agendas 21 that focuses on private initiatives are called Pacte 21, in order to underline their roots in the territory and enhance the development of a true social regional dialogue. They are supported by a collective of partners where each one is involved in the collective project they support.

Consultation workshops

Local authorities propose the organization of consultation workshops  to question these emerging promising initiatives. This ensures they are open to all and compatible with the sustainability requirements of the Pact within 5 years. Annual workshops aimed at assessing consequences of Pact 21, detect new emerging initiatives and help in adjusting progressively the vision.

Task-forces 21

Pacts 21 give away the Action plan-based organization of former Agenda 21, to generate multiple players and Task-forces with: a precise mission; social and environmental success criteria; a proper business plan; a governance autonomy and a management plan of involvements in the Pacts based on new legal forms of hybrid entrepreneurial groups.

Entrepreneurship Innovation

Large scale task forces with a social entrepreneurial focus generates innovation adapted for the territory. The innovation specific to that territory is always reinvented because of the different local context and the particularity of the players. Generally a facilitator role from local authorities is needed to ensure the social equity and sustainability of each new initiative that is developed.

Local Interest Certificates

In order to reinforce co-creation of new public services that respect social equity, the State enforces Local Interest Certificates. The certificates substitute the Local Business Tax by the necessity to demonstrate that new activities aim at establishing a local economy within the PSR, the Pact 21 Social Responsibility.

The local 10%

A part of salaries, within a maximum of 10% is paid in a local currency. That system ensures a counter part to the efforts supported by businesses of the Pacts 21 and serve the local economy and the quality of local eco-systems.

Territorial Ecology

A true territorial eco-system is taking shape. The Task-forces 21 shift  their production processes to an alternative process based on  a series of intra-regional economic flows. These flows add value for companies, root them in the local economy and reduce their environmental impact on the territory by closing loops.