Contribution to the 1st international forum “Land For Food”

In April 24-25th, 2014 was held the first International Forum “Land for Food, organized in Paris by the IUFN. The City of Lyon was invited to share  the work done through the URBACT “sustainable food” network. Gathering more than 180 people over 2 days, getting participants off the beaten tracks, opening their minds to new […]


URBACT Transnational Delivering meeting in Lyon – Crash test tool

A collective brand for local food : “Le Lyonnais, Monts et Coteaux”

Created in 2007, the brand “Le Lyonnais, Monts et Coteaux” promotes local food related businesses and refers to a rural area situated in between two major urban areas of Lyon and St Etienne. Supported by local authorities and gathering more than 140 companies, the brand is a global development tool to leverage on economic, social, […]

Lyon / Opportunities and challenges

Synergizing between levels and sectors Food as habitat and transportation is pointed one of the most critical issue in terms of sustainability. The Sustainable food for urban communities topic emerges as a new concern for cities. It tends to involve different areas of competences of the municipalities that most hardly used to collaborate before. In […]