Dorothy Greaves / Bristol
Dorothy Greaves / Bristol
Visioning 2018
2018 / More financial support to help people in the poverty involving them in food communities in order to create more food local resilience an more individual independence. They learn food skills, so they are riabilitated and have fan employment in the chicken industries.
David Dudek / Oslo
David Dudek / Oslo
Visioning 2018
2018 / Teenager are involved in a food culture in which they have access to more fresh food from farms not far from Olso. They recieve education how to grown they own food.
Daniela Catanoso / Municipality of Messina
Daniela Catanoso / Municipality of Messina
Visioning 2018
2018 / Group of young people throght the action plan can able to create a business and build a network in the traditional food system
Cor Holtackers / Municipality of Amersfoort
Cor Holtackers / Municipality of Amersfoort
Visioning 2018
2018 / The children have more awareness on the local food, they learn how they can produce, cook and enjoy it.
Bart Pijnenburg / Municipality of Amersfoort
Bart Pijnenburg / Municipality of Amersfoort
Visioning 2018
2018 / Small skill farms in the city in which families can grow and cook their food and enjoy it.
Anne de Feijter / Municipality of Amersfoort
Anne de Feijter / Municipality of Amersfoort
Visioning 2018
2018 / In every primary school of Amersfoort there is a green playground in which children can learn how to grow vegetables . They have the opportunity to play in a natural environment (grass, water, sand) to know where and how their food is produced and grown.
Alexandre Gleich / City of Lyon
Alexandre Gleich / City of Lyon
Visioning 2018
2018/ It’s developed a strategy win-win for either farmer and consumer. It’s found a right place in the in the city where farmers can sell their products instead to the big chain of distribution.