More education and knowledge about healthy food in Gothenburg LAP
The second largest city in Sweden takes full responsibility for how the consumption of food impacts on the environment and human health. A local action plan in Gothenburg is taking form. There are discussions and decisions taken to develope a local food policy plan. We see a shift in attitude and a desire to recreate […]
Organic public meals promoted in the city of Gothenburg
The local administration in Lundby (a part of the city of Gothenburg) is in the lead of serving organic food. They are now serving almost 50 (fifty) per cent organic meals (49, 4 per cent) in canteens for schools and in homes for elderly (canteens). A couple of months ahead the city of Gothenburg got […]
Brunnsbo swedish school chef won a silver medal in World championship
Even Bakke, a Swedish school-chef won silver-medal in World championship in Luxemburg (Luxembourg nov 2014), for cooking good and tasteful for many persons. Even Bakke is a master chef at the Brunnsbo School in the north-eastern parts of Gothenburg. Bakke was one in a team of Swedish School Restaurants. In the competition the team was […]
Gothenburg takes place in an organic food ranking

The amount of organic served meals in the city of Gothenburg is now 27 per cent. Therefore the city of Gothenburg is qualified in the Ekomatsliga, “organic food- ranking”. In October 2014 Ulla Lundgren, local coordinator in Sustainble Food, went to Stockholm to receive a diploma. More than 25 per cent of organic food is the […]
Vaslui hosts transnational ENJOYING workshop

Wednesday 17 September 2014 Workshops LAP Progress & Challenges (1/2): Five partner cities presented in plenary the state of the art of their LAP, the progress they have made since the last meeting in Lyon, the challenge they still encounter and the roadmap they envision to finalize their LAP and get it approved. Communication, deliverables […]
URBACT II, “Athens, Metropolis of Taste” event, 27.06.2014

On 27 June, three Urbact II programs united at “Varvakeios” Athens Central Market to celebrate the event “Athens, Metropolis of Taste”. The event took place on occassion of the “Declaration for the International Days of Markets” as advanced by URBACT “Markets” partners. In particular, «Sustainable Food in Urban Communities» – City of Athens, «Gastronomic Cities» […]
Way out West a Swedish music festival that goes veggie for the third year = Zero Meat
Way out West is a music festival in Gothenburg that has became known in Sweden, and also in the rest of Europe. Famous and great artists attend the festival (also from abroad) visiting the city, playing music and thousands of visitors enjoying good food and music for several days, in a park in the centre of […]
Even Bakke Swedish chef wins prize as ”School-chef of the Year” in Sweden
Even Bakke, a Swedish school-chef wins prize as “School-chef of the Year” in Sweden. He is a known chef in the URBACT-project. Even Bakke is a master chef at the Brunnsbo School in the north-eastern parts of Gothenburg. The prize was awarded by the Swedish prince Carl-Philip at a ceremony in early April this year. […]
Midterm Speed Presentation M. Duran, Friends of the Earth, Galicia

Maria Duran / Ourense URBACT midterm speed presentation M. Duran from Strategic Design Scenarios on Vimeo.
Go to Sea-week in Gothenburg a tribute to the Sea and eat Seafood – Schools in west parts of the city will serve fish to pupils.

Gothenburg is amazing. However, in the dark month of February it might be harder to notice. At least at a first glance. Beneath the surface that you find something special. The ice-cold and fresh sea offers fantastic produce, making it a great idea to fight biting winds and rain. The city (Goteborg & Co) will […]