Registrations now open! 16-17 March 2015, Conference in Bristol – European Sustainable Food Cities
Invitation On 16 March 2015 , the international conference “Sharing city journeys towards a good food future Sustainable food conference for European Cities welcomes city representatives and interested parties engaging in strategies for low-carbon and resource-efficient urban food systems to share learningon how cities are putting food on their policy agendas, addressing issues relating to […]
5-6 Feb 2015: Athens partner meeting + social entrepreneurship workshop
From a city with 0% food self-sufficiency ratio to introducing food policy as key priority in the political agenda, Athens has come a long way, announced the URBACT Secretariat in its news (read article). Now European partner cities will get a chance to see for themselves as well as discuss food & the social economy. On […]
Vaslui hosts transnational ENJOYING workshop
Wednesday 17 September 2014 Workshops LAP Progress & Challenges (1/2): Five partner cities presented in plenary the state of the art of their LAP, the progress they have made since the last meeting in Lyon, the challenge they still encounter and the roadmap they envision to finalize their LAP and get it approved. Communication, deliverables […]
Lyon “Delivering” meeting – Speed presentation – Stefan Dudau
URBACT Transnational Delivering meeting in Lyon – Crash test tool
Lyon transnational « Delivering » workshop programme and presentations
Wednesday 4 June 2014 Workshops List of lessons learned (priority check list): Why other cities would look at our delivering processes? The initial questions were completed or regrouped by theme. LAP crash tests: it aimed at reviewing and improving the LAPs. The first part focussed on a “Crash test’ session, where the purpose was to […]
Photos of our transational “Growing” Workshop in Messina 26-28 March 2014
Messina Transnational “Growing” workshop programme and presentations
The theme of Growing explores all possible ways to grow food near or in the city centre. It includes: fostering sustainable agricultural growth in urban and periurban areas thanks to urban planning strategies; the use of derelict lands; safeguarding and improving the fertility of lands; developing new technologies that do not need so much […]