Watch now the video of the citiy of Amersfoort that commit to place sustainable food high on the political city agenda for 2015 and beyond!
Amersfoort dissemination event
The Urbact project is almost finished for our city, but ‘real food’ will stay on the agenda of dedicated initiatives and the municipality. Also the implementation of our Local Action Plan is in full swing. Time for a wrap up conference on February 19th: What did we do on our Urbact Food journey , international with […]
City wormery, Food hall and urban farming for Food Banks
What is the relation between these initiatives. Well they are all part of the Amersfoort Local Action Plan on sustainable food policy. After finalizing the Local Action Plan the next phase is knocking on the door: How can we help local actions in our plan to the next phase?. The core team of Amersfoort food […]
Local Action Plan for Amersfoort
Last week we accomplished the first version of the Amersfoort Local Action Plan, a joint initiative of involved stakeholders of the Amersfoort local food network ‘EEM’. Although actions for our LAP will ‘organically’ evolve the upcoming period, the basis of the LAP is defined. What are the main topics which we adress in our LAP? […]
Kick off for the city farming project ‘Nieuwe Stadsboeren’
On sunday 13 th of April 2014 two enthousiastic citizens of Amersfoort, Kinke Hendriksma and Manon Hendrikx, launched the start of a small scale urban farming project ‘Nieuwe Stadsboeren‘. About 40 families adopted wooden grow boxes to grow veggies and fruit this season. In a former Unilever industrial estate called De Nieuwe Stad, now transformed […]
Messina Growing Meeting Speed presentation C. Holtackers
URBACT Transnational Messina Growing meeting / Speed presentation C. Holtackers (Amersfoort)
‘Farmer and City are looking for transport’
‘Are logistics and regional food a dilemma or are their new opportunities? What can we learn from initiatives dealing with this topic and what is the actual status on supply, demand and logistics of regional food in Amersfoort.’ These questions were subject of presentation and discussion at the Amersfoort the local support group meeting […]
Amersfoort update november 2013
What’s going on in Amersfoort the last months? Sustainable local food initiatives are ‘growing’ 1) City farmer Wytze Nauta of Eemstadboerderij proudly harvested his first potatoes, pumpkins and sugar corn in the new district of Amersfoort (Vathorst). On 22 th of september inhabitants of Vathorst had the opportunity to harvest their own produce. People enjoyed […]
August, 2013 Contributor: City Farmer Wytze Nauta, Amersfoort Farming the city development areas In a new suburb of Amersfoort, Vathorst, several hectares of land are pending for urban development. However, due to the financial crisis, these areas are not used yet, and this will at least take another 10 years. About 8 ha is now […]
Gardenpark Laakzijde
August, 2013 Contributor: Houkje Hibma, Amersfoort In the new district Vathorst inhabitants created “tuinpark Laakzijde” at the border of a agricultural and recreational area. A very good example of active commitment of inhabitants who feel the urge to grow their own food and meet each other in a kind of allotment garden. Inhabitants of new district […]