Watch now the video of the city of Oslo that commit to place sustainable food high on the political city agenda for 2015 and beyond!
Lyon “Delivering” meeting – Speed presentation – Cecilie Dawes

Messina Growing Meeting Speed presentation H.K. Tønnesen

URBACT Transnational Growing meeting / Speed presentation H.K. Tønnesen (Oslo)
Urban agriculture center in Oslo in 2015

Post by Marianne Leisner (Gaia Tjome, Oslo Kommune) participant in Urban Food Strategy Mix Workshop. We are three persons taking the initiative to do the necessary research and meetings that should result in a physical urban agriculture centre in Oslo in 2015. We have made a temporary title for an urban agriculture association. We want […]
Oslo transnational “Growing” workshop programme & presentations

Thursday 10 September 2013 Morning Welcome Workshop: “Multiple functions of growing in urban context” at “Slottsbiblioteket”, National library of Norway Key note presentation by Erik Joner, Bioforsk: Is urban pollution a menace to urban agriculture? Partner exchanges (based on partner contributions) Recreational, educational, social cohesion, production…new uses of public & private spaces. Site visits: Geitmyra […]
Rezoning Konows gate 40
8th August, 2013 Contributor: Oslo Bakerenga park temporary allotment gardens Concept Konows gate 40 was an empty lot in a residential area in downtown Oslo. The lot is being rezoned into a park which is a multiannual process. To prevent the lot from being rented out to for example to construction purposes, the Agency […]
Geitmyra School Garden – “Growing” at Oslo

10.09.2013 By the public transport we went to “Geitmyra School Garden”, an area where can have a bet to plant. But what’s special about is, that the School children get lessons and exercises from the staff and from teachers over there. So they can participate and get insights in bee-keeping or a workshop about the […]
Geitmyra Kitchen – “Growing” at Oslo

10.09.2013 Next to the garden an educational kitchen is placed. Surrounded by the living houses you can find a cage with chicken and plant houses. School classes could come here for one week in which they cook together with committed teachers. But everything is very cozy and lovely in it’s appearance. For understanding where our […]
Bogstad Farm – “Growing” at Oslo

11.09.2013 The first point on the day has been the “Bogstad Farm”, an interesting place where people can rent rooms in a framing house. The farm is supposed to produce some food by itself, over there you may have the possibility to observe the farming and the production of food as vegetables and animal products. […]
Hærligheten wasteland garden – “Growing” at Oslo

11.09.2013 Quite a big contrast again was to visit the “Hærligheten wasteland garden“, a rough place closed to the harbour. A group of commited people formed a wastelande in between of two streets into a growing area with „private growing boxes. Everything looked very handmade and it was an proper example for showing that it […]