Watch now the video of the city of Messina that commit to place sustainable food high on the political city agenda for 2015 and beyond!
A sweet happy ending for Urbact II
Tuesday 14th April, at the Palacultura Building, the final event of Urbact II took place. The event was well attended and there were more than 5 speakers. First of all, Mr. Tonino Perna Councillor of the Municipality introduced the meeting, and Mrs. Daniela Catanoso, local coordinator of the project, explained the key factors that were […]
The end of Urbact II – Final meeting in Messina
City of Messina wants to greet Urbact II by preparing the last event. Tuesday April 14th at the Palacultura building, the Urbact’ staff togheter with the local support group are pleased to invite all the citizens who are interested into the final presentation of the Urbact activities. Check the program here: 9.30 […]
Local Action Plan of Messina: updating
On Wednesday 7th January, at the beginning of 2015, the urbact management of Messina, together with the local support groups, began to work again on the local city action plan. During the meeting the team analyzed and discussed, which are the best local action plan projects, useful to spread the sustainable food culture in […]
Messina awarded for “good practice” at European level within the Urbact Project!
The activities of the LAP are constantly improving. On the 13th and 14th of November, the municipality of Messina participated in the national meeting organized by the European representative of the program, with the collaboration of the Italian minister of infrastructures and transports. On the first day all the municipalities shared their progress concerning the […]
Yesterday afternoon at 3.30 pm at the Urban laboratory of Messina (Palace of Culture), together with the local support group we finally defined the basis of the LAP. Basically the specific objective that we want to achieve is to promote the sustainable use of local products, to incentivate the promotion and growth of the agricultural […]
Step by step: The local action plan is getting better in Messina
The transational meeting of last March was an important moment of comparison between the partners of the network but, mainly, it was an opportunity to show the real basis of a local action plan to the local support group; With a lot of suggestions, the plan is passed from the of problem solving stage up […]
Messina “Growing” Workshop II on 25-27 March 2014
2nd 2,5-day international workshop to discuss “Growing” for partner and selected guests. The theme of Growing explores all possible ways to grow food near or in the city. It includes: fostering sustainable agricultural growth in urban and periurban areas thanks to urban planning strategies; the use of derelict lands; safeguarding and improving the fertility of […]
Urban Farm … working in progress
3. August, 2013 Contributor: The Villari Farm, Municipality of Messina Audacity and imagination for the entrepreneur: in agriculture nothing is thrown away Concept There were 4 acres of completely abandoned land in a central and populous area of the city (behind the University Hospital of Messina). The ground was, for many years, full […]