Registrations now open! 16-17 March 2015, Conference in Bristol – European Sustainable Food Cities
Invitation On 16 March 2015 , the international conference “Sharing city journeys towards a good food future Sustainable food conference for European Cities welcomes city representatives and interested parties engaging in strategies for low-carbon and resource-efficient urban food systems to share learningon how cities are putting food on their policy agendas, addressing issues relating to […]
How could Bristol better support health & health equity through a spatial planning approach to food governance?
Food and planning developmental review – 20-page report based on interviews with Bristol City Council staff about their work on food published in May 2014. A peer review team visited Bristol City Council on 17 March 2014 and interviewed 14 staff and one elected member about their roles in improving the health, sustainability and resilience […]
Messina Growing Meeting Speed presentation G. Hoyt
URBACT Transnational Messina Growing meeting / Speed presentation Gus Hoyt (Bristol)
Sims Hill Shared Harvest
14th August, 2013 Contributor: Bristol Membership owned Community Supported Agriculture initiative with sliding scale costs and volunteering opportunities Sims Hill Shared Harvest is a grass roots initiative set up by inspired individuals who wanted to grow local food in an environmentally friendly, self financing way to the benefit of local communities who […]
The Severn Project
14th August, 2013 Contributor: Bristol The therapeutic value of horticulture: pathway to employment opportunities from former drug and alcohol addiction The Severn Project is a Community Interest Company (07253111) founded by Steve Glover in April 2010 with the aim of creating a more effective and person centered model of drug and alcohol recovery. The […]
Hartcliffe health & environment action group (HHEAG)
14th August, 2013 Contributor: Bristol Grass roots initiated holistic food based activities in an extremely vulnerable neighbourhood Based in an outer city housing estate in South Bristol, recognised as an area of multiple deprivation, HHEAG have been active since 1990, following an Avon Health Authority initiated survey, asking residents about their views on […]
Gus Hoyd / Bristol / “Growing” Speed presentation
Gus Hoyd 10/09/2013 Speed presentation night of the transnational meeting at Oslo Power Point Silde Show
Bristol Good Food Charter
An engagement tool promoting the Bristol Food Policy Council message and encouraging people and organisations to take positive action.
Bristol wins title of European Green Capital 2015
Many Congratulation to Bristol: European Green Capital 2015!!
Steven Marriott / Bristol’s public sector food initiative
28/05/13 Speed presentation night
Inspirational meeting in Gothenburg
Steven Marriott / Bristol’s public sector food initiative
from Bristol