How could Bristol better support health & health equity through a spatial planning approach to food governance?
Food and planning developmental review – 20-page report based on interviews with Bristol City Council staff about their work on food published in May 2014. A peer review team visited Bristol City Council on 17 March 2014 and interviewed 14 staff and one elected member about their roles in improving the health, sustainability and resilience […]
Sustainable Food, from now on a priority sector for ERDF funding in Brussels!
In April 2014, the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region approved the new Operational Programme for the implementation of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the 2014-2020 programming period. The sustainable food sector is one of the 5 priority sectors specifically identified to be funded and developed. The programme stresses: “Developing agriculture […]
Local Action Plan for Amersfoort
Last week we accomplished the first version of the Amersfoort Local Action Plan, a joint initiative of involved stakeholders of the Amersfoort local food network ‘EEM’. Although actions for our LAP will ‘organically’ evolve the upcoming period, the basis of the LAP is defined. What are the main topics which we adress in our LAP? […]
The city of Manchester is heading towards a sustainable food system !
The city launched a study on sustainable food in Manchester and the report has been published in November 2013. The report provides an overview of the current situation in the city and establish a simple set of relevant and practical sustainable food criteria for policy maker to work from. ManchesterSustainableFood_report ManchesterSustainableFood_presentation The Kindling […]
Joy Carey’s reflections from URBACT meeting in Brussels and Urban Strategy Mix conference
Understanding the cases better The three reports cover a wide range of practical examples of what is currently going on in the different partner cities. The richness lies in the diversity of examples that address different scales, audiences, instigated by many different ‘actors’ to address a range of challenges. What unifies all these examples is […]
Beyond food… Field trip in Montpellier for the 5th conference on Food Urban Planning
AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning) 5th conference on Food Urban Planning took place in Montpellier the 28th and 29th of October and gather the scientific community at the cross roads of urban planning and agriculture. A challenge in some way as agriculture and the city have always been historical enemies and two separate […]