Midterm Workshop Delivering 6
What new forms of sustainable food retail can strengthen links between consumers and producers (i.e. organic markets, social groceries, direct schemes, etc)?
Midterm Workshop Delivering 5
What new forms of sustainable food retail can strengthen links between consumers and producers (i.e. organic markets, social groceries, direct schemes, etc)?
Midterm Workshop Delivering 4
How to organise logistics of (short) food supply chains to lower environmental impact (e.g. food distribution platforms/hubs)?
Midterm Workshop Enjoying 3
How to leverage on public meals served in canteens and education to foster more sustainable practices/behaviour change?
Midterm Workshop Enjoying 2
What message to convey to citizens about (sustainable) food to engage them and change behaviours?
Midterm Workshop Enjoying 1
How can cities reduce food poverty and spread sustainable food practices across ethnic communities?
Midterm Workshop Governance 3
What is the purpose of forming a food policy council?
Midterm Workshop Governance 2
How can public procurement increase the sustainability of the local sustainable food system?
Midterm Workshop Governance 1
How can cities synergize bottom-up and top-down sustainable food initiatives?
Midterm Workshop Growing 6
How can cities stimulate (re)engagement of citizens in growing (i.e. window gardening; private garden; community gardens…)?