‘Who Feeds Bristol’ report
April 24, 2013
Contributor: Bristol
Workshop: Governance, synergies and local systems / Who feeds…
Snapshot of Bristol’s current food system.
The report provides an evidence base for action towards a sustainable food system.
The ‘Who Feeds Bristol’ (WFB) report was commissioned following recommendations from the ‘Peak Oil’ report http://bristolgreencapital.org/latest/2011/09/the-peak-oil-report
In the UK, supermarkets largely control the supply of food and their ‘just in time policy’ means that at any time there are only 3 days food supply available. New Economics Foundation (Nef) documented this in their report ‘9 meals from anarchy’ http://www.neweconomics.org/publications/nine-meals-anarchy
If Bristol is to become more food secure then a more resilient food system is needed.
The WFB report provides an evidence base and describes a food systems approach that is being widely adopted. It was a substantial undertaking for the author Joy Carey to collect and collate the information to provide a snapshot of Bristol. The wealth of detail provided in each stage of the food chain illustrates shortcomings in the current food system and provides guidance towards the development of one that’s more sustainable. Addressing the shortcomings would reduce the environmental impact of food supply in Bristol and benefit the local population in terms of access to healthy food and a more dynamic local economy.
Similar snapshots could be replicated in each partner city based on the framework provided focussing on local issues and priorities.
Author Joy Carey has offered to work with partners on request to discuss and support similar undertakings. Would this be useful to partners and if so how would you like to proceed? If there is sufficient interest Joy Carey could be invited to specific partner events or participate in webinars.