Sustainable Meals in the City of Gothenburg

May 28, 2013

Contributor: Gothenburg

The aim is to increase the amount of sustainable meals in the City of Gothenburg 

We have chosen to work with sustainable meals to reduce the negative environmental impacts related to the production and consumption of food. Our food has a direct link to many important environmental issues such as clean water, biological diversity and use of chemicals. Our food is estimated to account for one third of emissions of gases that have an impact on our climate.


The municipality has decided to increase the share of organically foodstuffs should be 50 per cent until 2014 and they have also decided that all meat served in the citys public sector will be organically produced.

We follow up sustainble meals by measuring the share of organically produced food stuffs in the total food budget. Workshops and education, information has been given to the meal organisation.


Benefits (environmental/social/economical…)

Today we have 23,4 per cent organic foodstuffs. The aim is to reach fifty per cent organic food in the canteens, until 2014. The benefits are that we reach a high amount of the population, that they receive healthy and good food. And at the same time you decrease the impact of the environment.


Pro: The good cause is that we reach a lot of inhabitants/pupils in the city. Unfortunately we haven’t reached the goal yet and we have to continue our work. Recently we have found out that the environmental impact of food in Gothenburg is as high as 10 per cent.

Contra: The politicians seem to not understand the importance of the issues.


If you want to increase the healthy and sustainable meals it is of great importance that you get politically decisions (anchor), on a high (or heavy) level. The politicians of the municipality have to understand the importance of these issues.


How do we reach our goals in a simple way?

How do we communicate well so the board of the local administration let the sustainable meals have the priority that the municipal council has decided?

In the end the local administration doesn’t have the money, therefore they don’t reach their goal.