The Day of Meal 17th of October

October 17, was the time for The Day of The Meal. It was served warm organic soup, desserts, coffe and also cake baked with Fairtrade igredients. Guest was passers in Brunnsparken, The Meal of Gothenburg, Environmental Administration, The Univeristy of Gothenburg,The Consumer Guids office and Fair trade arrange this day for interacte with the common […]

A really good site where you can find a garden where you can pck appels, pears and plums and even berries for free.

Compte rendu 11 mars 2013 – réunion Brussels LSG “Delivering”

URBACT / Local Support Group /Delivering DATE : 11 mars 2013 PRESENTS: voir annexe Compte rendu Accueil Le travail de la Région en matière d’Alimentation Durable Le projet européen Urbact Le niveau local : Local Support Group La thématique : Delivering Projet urbact, voir: Homepage: Blog: EN: Subscribe to our quarterly electronic newsletter 3 thèmes : Growing : production […]

Our summer newsletter is out!

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Incontro LSG 19/03/2013

Un intenso pomeriggio di lavoro ieri con gli amici del Gruppo di Supporto Locale del progetto Urbact II per il progetto “Sustainable Food in Urban Communities”. Sono stati riassunti gli obiettivi del progetto ed il ruolo di cooperazione tra… i partner delle varie nazioni partecipanti per la definizione di singoli Piani di Azione Locale per […]

Press Release

CITY OF MESSINA – COMUNICATO N°191 PROGETTO URBACT “SUSTAINABLE FOOD IN URBAN COMMUNITIES”: IL COMUNE DI MESSINA AMMESSO ALLA SECONDA FASE DEL FINANZIAMENTO Il progetto “Sustainable Food in Urban Communities” (Alimentazione Sostenibile nelle Comunità Urbane) presentato dal Comune di Messina attraverso l’Ufficio Programmi Complessi, con altre 9 città (Bruxelles Lead Partner) all’interno del programma europeo URBACT […]

Monday 8 of april Attend the metting with Mistra Urban Future

LC should attend Mistra Urbans Meeting meeting and share their thougts and plans for a project like Sustainable Food in Urban Communities. The name of their project: Grow Food and Jobs in the City.

a proposal from England that supports Sustainable food in Urban Communities

Horticulture could be on the Curriculum from next year read more:

Project Management