Working for Oslo “Growing” meeting

Last 3rd september a new meeting of Messina’s LSG was held: Choose your keywords for “Growing” was the theme of the meeting. The tasks were focused about the meaning of Growing theme for each partner and the real experiences that everyone has developed about that. A brief summary of previous steps was explained especially for […]
Calling for sustainable food projects in Brussels

Brussels Environment just launched a new call for innovative projects that encourage behavioural change for more sustainable food consumption, open to associations, businesses, public bodies, individuals… (not schools) – Deadline: Monday, 30/09/13 at 11:00. You can get ideas below from projects supported in previous years (click on the pictures for detailed factsheets in French or […]
3 crosscutting questions that will systematically be considered

3 CROSS-CUTTING QUESTIONS The transversal overview of the main lessons learned during the visits of the 10 partner cities reveals recurrent concerns that will be put forward as key crosscutting questions.They will systematically be considered in the network’s discussions and deliverables for each theme: QUESTION 1: Governance, synergies & local syste How can we link […]