Vaslui / Main characteristics
Vaslui is located in central-east side of the historical region Moldavia, in the north-east region of Romania, at 70 km from the east border of Romania and EU with the Republic of Moldovia. The development of Vaslui started in 1968, when the city became the capital of Vaslui County, the intensive economic, social and cultural development, is evidenced by the evolution of the population: the number of inhabitants has turn from 17960 in 1966 to 73527 in 2002.
92% of the population lives in urban areas in blocks of flats (18,274) and individual houses (2273), the remaining 8% living in the suburbs in 1789 individual houses. As a general aspect, in September 2012, the average income in Vaslui was 1049 RON per capita, which means almost 240 Euros, while the national average income for September was 1530 RON per capita, the equivalent of almost 340 Euros.
The share of active labour force in total population represents 55.65%, and 19% of the population is on retirement. 20% of the population attends an educational form of learning, held in one of the 48 public educational facilities.
Most of the population has completed an organized form of public learning (21% university studies, 19% post high school, 48% high school, 10% gymnasium studies).
In the sixties, agriculture was the main activity in the region, but from 1965 to 1985 a sustained industrialization of the city was decided and along with constructions of many industrial production capacities (compound of synthetic fibres, fine mechanics companies, furniture compound, textile and clothing factories, food industries). Thereby, the population that previously was involved in agriculture around the city was attracted to work.
The Revolution of 1989 and the fall of the Ceausescu’s regime brought besides democracy, liberty, and market economy, also a series of negative economic effects. The transfer of state property to private led to the closure of several of the heavy industry factories and the dismissal of most of the qualified labour force (which had just been attracted from the agricultural area). The only companies that have survive, were those in the clothing and food industries, on which the properties transfer was made to local investors.
At this point, the branch structure of the industrial production is characterized by the large share of the processing activities. Textile clothing industry is preponderant and it is based on the existing tradition in this area for almost 40 years, but also on cheap labour force (mostly women), which allows companies in this field to work in lohn system with various Western countries.
The structure is completed by companies operating in the food industry and by those in the construction.
The commerce has become the most dynamic sector, rapidly adapting to the market economy and has attracted a part of the active labour force, immediately after industry (3200 people).
The dismissed labour force returned to agriculture, an area where since 1989, the cooperative property (characterized by working large areas of confiscated lands from owners between 1945 -1962, their own production being also confiscated by the state), was returned to former owners and so, the lands divided into small individual households.
After 2007, with entrance in the European Union, part of the active labour force migrated to other European countries (especially Spain, Italy, England), working in the field of agriculture and construction, much of the returned lands remaining unused or worked rudimentary.