Cookery Courses – good & cheap
People in need learn to cook fresh meals
Taste Education
Taste Education is a workshop for the development of the senses and the study of all aspects of food.
A kitchen garden in the schoolyard
A kitchen garden in preschool as a tool
School vegetable gardens
School vegetable gardens offer the opportunity to youngsters to get acquainted with their food and learn about sustainable agriculture and consumption.
Feeding the 5000
Cutting food wastage in Bristol – Fareshare SW a surplus food redistributer raises awareness by providing lots of free lunches on College Green outside City Hall
‘Week van de Smaak’ Education for 13-20 years old
During ‘Week van de Smaak’ (= Week of the Taste) many students from vocational and secondary schools in Amersfoort get acquainted with regional food.
Food education in primary schools and afterschool day care (age 4-12)
All year round primary schools and afterschool day care organizations can participate in projects that educate children from 4 till 12 years old about the origin of their food. These activities are being organized by the municipality: Centre of Nature and Environmental Education (CNME) and by One Planet, a local non-profit foundation.