Midterm Workshop CO2 and Resource Efficiency Strategies 3
How can sustainable food contribute to a more circular economy at city scale?
Midterm Workshop CO2 and Resource Efficiency Strategies 2
What dietary recommendations can cities provide to lower carbon footprint & resource use while taking into account health and how can this be successfully encouraged?
Midterm Workshop CO2 and Resource Efficiency Strategies 1
What dietary recommendations can cities provide to lower carbon footprint & resource use while taking into account health and how can this be successfully encouraged?
Midterm Workshop Delivering 3
How to organise logistics of (short) food supply chains to lower environmental impact (e.g. food distribution platforms/hubs)?
Midterm Workshop Delivering 2
What roles can recognition schemes/labelling play to foster shifts towards sustainable food?
MIDTERM Workshop Delivering 1
What roles can recognition schemes/labelling play to foster shifts towards sustainable food?
Urban agriculture center in Oslo in 2015
Post by Marianne Leisner (Gaia Tjome, Oslo Kommune) participant in Urban Food Strategy Mix Workshop. We are three persons taking the initiative to do the necessary research and meetings that should result in a physical urban agriculture centre in Oslo in 2015. We have made a temporary title for an urban agriculture association. We want […]
Update: save the 5 Feb 2014 & read our Delivering report
December 2013 Update Thank you for your interest in our URBACT Thematic Network “Sustainable Food in Urban Communities” . Feel free to join our mid-term event in Februray 2013 in Brussels or read our first publication on “Delivering” Sustainable Food. From plate to city Save the dates: 5 & 6 February 2013 5 Feb: “Urban Food […]
Brussels Mid-term Event – new background documents & updated programme
Invitation On 5 February 2014, the International workshop “Urban food strategy mix” welcomes cities and interested parties engaging in strategies for low-carbon and resource-efficient urban food systems to exchange actively on initiatives in “growing” (production), “delivering” (supply) and “enjoying” (demand). A joint reflection on how cities might move beyond an inventory or wish list of […]