Food System – “Vision 2050: Flemish strategy sustainable development 2010-2014”

This English brochure develops a vision for the food system in Flanders, Belgium in 2050. See “The food system (food production, processing, distribution and consumption) guarantees the right to food, as well as sufficient, safe, balanced, healthy and affordable food for all world citizens, respects the principles of food sovereignty, is in balance with […]

Belgian Federal Vision on Sustainable Food

Within the Federal Strategy for Sustainable Development a vision, a strategy and objectives for  2050 are  developed on sustainable food: The four main objectives for 2050 are: 1) Access to healthy, non-processed food of high nutritional value guaranteed for all; 2) Reduced social and environmental impact of our food production (through integrated and organic […]

Brussels LSG Meeting on Sustainable Canteens to prepare the local action plan

Bruxelles Environnement promeut depuis des années l’alimentation durable dans les cantines. Le 18 septembre, nous avons présenté un état des lieux ainsi que les résultats de l’étude de benchmarking ‘Cantines durables à l’étranger’ menée par Alimentation 21. Vous trouverez ci-dessous le lien vers le rapport ‘Benchmarking des cantines durables’ (disponible uniquement en français):  Liste des documents […]

Calling for sustainable food projects in Brussels

Brussels Environment just launched a new call for innovative projects that encourage behavioural change for more sustainable food consumption, open to associations, businesses, public bodies, individuals… (not schools) – Deadline: Monday, 30/09/13 at 11:00. You can get ideas below from projects supported in previous years (click on the pictures for detailed factsheets in French or […]

Joséphine Henrion / Rencontre des Continents, Brussels Environment

28/05/13 Speed presentation night
Inspirational meeting in Gothenburg

Joséphine Henrion / Rencontre des Continents
from Brussels Environment

A kitchen garden in the schoolyard

A kitchen garden in preschool as a tool


Super -motivated families take on the “sustainable food challenge”

Sustainable canteen programme

Supporting institutional kitchens in a shift towards sustainable food in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Brochure on Food and the Environment for the General Public

43-page brochure with 100 tip

Rob Renaerts / Brussels, Rabad

Rob Renaerts / Brussels, Rabad
Visioning 2018

2018 / Consumers can find easily sustainable, organic, local and fair-trade products in a supermarket and there are more information on the food.