Feeding the 5000

Cutting food wastage in Bristol – Fareshare SW a surplus food redistributer raises awareness by providing lots of free lunches on College Green outside City Hall

Sofie aan de Wallen (organic en vegetarian catering event in the open air)

Inspiring people to experience and share with 500 citizens a vegetarian, with local sourced organic ingredients prepared diner, at low cost in an informal, natural and attractive setting.

‘Week van de Smaak’ Education for 13-20 years old

During ‘Week van de Smaak’ (= Week of the Taste) many students from vocational and secondary schools in Amersfoort get acquainted with regional food.

Food education in primary schools and afterschool day care (age 4-12)

All year round primary schools and afterschool day care organizations can participate in projects that educate children from 4 till 12 years old about the origin of their food. These activities are being organized by the municipality: Centre of Nature and Environmental Education (CNME) and by One Planet, a local non-profit foundation.


Tasting various recipes of local food on happy hour

Partner cities meet to “Enjoy” sustainable food in Gothenburg

Participants of URBACT Gothenburg workshop

Interesting and enjoyable days on the theme “Enjoying” was held at the workshop-days in Gothenburg, end of May 2013. For the first time all the cities were able to participate. Almost 30 (thirty) participants, from ten different countries were represented. We were honored to have the guest speaker, Ulrike Stocker, from the city of Vienna, […]

About Gothenburg transnational meeting outputs…

This presentation from Lead expert intend to capture some of the lessons leant from the second transnational meeting in Gothenburg 27-30/05/13…

Gothenburg transnational “Enjoying” workshop programme & presentations

Tuesday 28th May 2013 “Canteens & Restaurants” Welcome by Lead Partner Lead Partner Brussels Environment Stephanie Mantell,  Welcome partners / Introduction to Network ( 4,2 MB )  Keynote speakers on Enjoyng from the host city Britt Florén, SIK / Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology. SIK develops and mediates technology to promote the development and competitiveness of the food industry, […]

3 crosscutting questions that will systematically be considered

3 CROSS-CUTTING QUESTIONS The transversal overview of the main lessons learned during the visits of the 10 partner cities reveals recurrent concerns that will be put forward as key crosscutting questions.They will systematically be considered in the network’s discussions and deliverables for each theme: QUESTION 1: Governance, synergies & local syste How can we link […]